Captcha Plugins and Platforms

Secure your website and applications with our captcha system that integrates seamlessly with WordPress plugins and other plugins. Protect yourself and your users against unwanted bot attacks and abuse with our simple and effective solution.

WordPress plugin

Increase the security of your WordPress website with the Captcha plugin. Our GDPR compliant captcha solution protects your website from spam bots and unwanted traffic. Easy to install and configure, the WordPress plugin offers a user-friendly solution for protecting your website. Strengthen your website security and ensure a smooth user experience.

Joomla plugin

Integrate our DSGVO compliant captcha solution seamlessly into your Joomla website – easily via plugin. Protect your site from spam and unwanted traffic while maintaining the privacy of your users. The Captcha plugin for Joomla offers easy installation and configuration to make your site more secure and optimize the user experience.

Craft CMS

Craft CMS is a powerful content management system that allows users to create, manage and publish custom content.


Secure your Keycloak installation with our plugin. Our GDPR-compliant captcha solution provides effective protection against spam bots and unwanted traffic. The captcha plugin for Keycloak ensures high security while supporting data privacy compliance. For easy integration and configuration for smooth use of Keycloak.

Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce, formerly known as Magento, is a state-of-the-art e-commerce platform that provides businesses with a comprehensive solution for building and operating online stores. With powerful tools for product management, payment processing, and personalized customer experiences, it enables e-commerce businesses to effectively implement and scale.


TYPO3 is a flexible open-source content management system (CMS) with comprehensive website creation and management features. It is characterized by its large developer community and long track record, which makes it the preferred choice for complex web projects.


Neos-CMS is an open-source content management system known for its intuitive WYSIWYG editing interface and flexibility in managing web content. It excels in creating seamless user experiences for both developers and content creators, supporting complex web projects and multilingual content management.
